Today, I caught some snippets of episodes of 'The Starter Wife' with Debra Messing. I love her, or should I say, I love "Grace". 'Starter Wife'...not so much. I just don't get the whole, "I am woman, hear me roar, have to have a gay best friend, along with an alcoholic best friend to be whole" type character. Cliche is too cliche of a word to use to describe it. Therefore, Tivo will not form a close bond with that one. Enough people out there must disagree with me, though, because another season was picked up.
I also lost a few hundred IQ points when watching 5 minutes of 'Keeping Up With The Kardashians". Those girls are painful to watch. Bruce Jenner might as well tattoo "Welcome" on his forehead seeing as he acts as everyone's doormat.
I'm done with channel exploring: "The Closer", "Heroes" and "Lost" are my Tivo's best buds this year.