Thursday, June 12, 2008


Those who know me best know how very family oriented I am. I am blessed to have a closeknit family who truly love one another through the good, bad and ugly. I love them all so much and have listed a little diddy about two of them that, to me, encompasses some of who they are to me.

Mom- a strong woman with a press onward kind of soul, who has battled and overcome so much in order to be the most amazing parent and friend a girl could ask for. Also, she lets me raid her jewelry box and perfume collection anytime I want:)

Dad- an equally strong man with that dry, yet hilarious sense of humor that will forever be instilled in me. Allow me to list a few Dad"isms": "that was funner'n stompin' baby chickens", or "hold on there, longhair", or when giving directions, "do you know where so and so is, well, it's nowhere near there", or finally, after a HS choir or band concert he would tell me, "You were the best one in your row". I love this guy!

More family descriptions to come...

1 comment:

betty boop said...

Thank you for that, but the truly amazing one is the author of this blog:) What a blessing and a privilege it is to be your Mother...I love you!