As a modern day churchgoer I am privy to the argument, or should I say, discussion, among many regarding whether praise songs (i.e. contemporary songs from radio and the like) or hymns ("Victory in Jesus", "Nothing but the Blood", etc.) should be sung during the song service. I went to my dad's church this morning, and they sing nothing but hymns. However, their youth group led us in a praise song by one of my favorite groups, Casting spiritual mood immediately was uplifted. All a matter of opinion, I suppose. For the record, I vote for a mixture.
1 day ago
I want hymns...but I am old...I think that is the difference. We need to keep the younger generation coming so we probably need to have a mixture.
Such a nice photo, Love. =)
By way of personal preference, I always love a good old fashioned hymn, "Amazing Grace," "There is Power in the Blood," "Onward Christian Soldiers." However, there are many a praise song that forces me to abandon my "made up stuff" dislikes in favor of a swelling smile, a Spirit-filled happiness and a joyful sway.
God can reach out and touch you with the modern and the old, I suspect. =)
Bring on the hymns!!! And I'm young.
Praise & Worship!
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