a great book for anyone out there wondering what all the fuss is about regarding literature. This book, in an easy to read format, explains why some literature is thought by so many to be great and how to dissect and examine it in order to determine what it really means. At the end Foster gives a rather lengthy suggested reading list, which comes in handy when you just want to browse at B&N or Half Price and aren't sure what to look for. Try it, and like Stephen King says...[give the author a few hours of your time, and if you don't like him, wish him well and move on].
Speaking of King, his "On Writing" is fantastic and contains a suggested reading list at the end as well.
Love the King quote. I read an author's book excerpt last night that said something to the effect of "reading fiction is how we get to know people we'd rather not meet."
I clamored to talk a professor into letting me take his graduate literature course at UTA once; once I explained how much I loved to study literature, he let me. =)
Love the King quote. I read an author's book excerpt last night that said something to the effect of "reading fiction is how we get to know people we'd rather not meet."
I clamored to talk a professor into letting me take his graduate literature course at UTA once; once I explained how much I loved to study literature, he let me. =)
I LOVE this book. After I pulled a few excerpts to use with my ninth graders one of the kids said, "Great. Now every time I see a movie where someone falls in water, I'm waiting to see how they change."
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