I used to be one that would defend the Oprah against her haters. I pointed out how giving she was, and hey, at least tried to relate to her fellow man. However, I'm over it. Consider me a part of the throng of Oprah-poo-pooers. Here's why: After packing all afternoon I sat down to do some laundry...fun times. Anyway, switched to Oprah, and the topic of her show was how discovering one's past life can lead to overcoming phobias in one's present life...what the what? A New Earth is bad enough, now reincarnation...seriously? So, I'm done. Will I watch her show again? "O-prah-bably-not:)
1 day ago
I hate Oprah.
It's good to see so many women finally seeing Oprah for the money grubbing fraud she is.
You can hold your head a little higher now that you have rejected her lies.
I used to be the same way. Now when she is even mentioned I cringe.
She has joined Tom Cruise on my crazy list.
Yeah, anyone with that much power who takes religion in her own hands an tries to recreate it is just plain scary. I'm with you on this one.
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