We have Dish satellite, and I'm a Dish novice, so I'm still trying to figure out how to record a show before it actually comes on. Right now, I wait until the time I know it'll be on, turn on the television, push record, then turn it back off...not so convenient. Not to mention I have a hard time remembering that I can fast forward commercials...I had regular cable for too long:)
2 days ago
Wow, are we in the same boat! I have had DirecTV until yesterday. The TiVo was so east to navigate and set up season passes. Dish, in, not so much. I was sitting here thinking the same thing- that I'm gonna have to sit her for an entire day to figure out how to record the programs I want to watch later - so far not much luck. I've actually figures out how to record a program, but can't seem to get it to record future shows. Ugh, I'm reading the book now but it isn't much help yet! Wish you luck. If you mfigure it out post a few hints.....PLEASE!! ;))
Go to the guide and find what you want to record and set the timer (press record) from there. Easy, huh?
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