When I think about my years at college I think of the Trace Adkins song, "You're Gonna Miss This". Life is funny in that you're always kind of wishing away the present to what you think will be a better future. I really try not to do that. While in college I was always looking forward to graduation, marriage, children, career...and I'm happy to have them all, but sometimes I wish I would have savored those moments a bit more...going to the lakehouse with all of my girlfriends and acting crazy, playing intramural softball, staying at the library until I couldn't hold my eyes open, envying those that could sleep on library couches:) I miss our "rug picnics" in the dorm, which consisted of eating awful cafeteria food while sitting on our floor. I even miss the yucky smells that eminated from the microwave room on our hall! I miss watching movies, sneaking in the CamelPack under our coats with our own "beverages". I could go on and on.
I keep in touch with a few of those college buds, and they're the forever friend types. I miss them too. Oh well, I will be sure and tell Baby Girl to savor those moments and to live her life fully...taking it all in. Ahhhh, good times.
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