Whilst I was driving this morning, listening to the radio, minding my own business and enjoying the sunshine...some idiot on College Street swerves toward me and throws up his hands as if to say I had encroached on his lane, which I did NOT. So, little man compensating by driving your big white truck with the big white sticker on the back...calm down, have a glass of iced tea and stay in your own flippin' lane.
1 day ago
I know what you mean. I don't think many people in Wise County know how to drive!
It's not just Wise Co...seems to be everywhere. I first blamed it on all the new teenage drivers out there, then realized (or faced the truth, rather) that it seems to be people of my own generation...possibly parents of these new teenage drivers? I'm sure they haven't had a chance to drive themselves anywhere but crazy since the little darlings got their permits. These parents have been driven to the edge by said teenagers! Then when they finally get the chance to get behind the wheel they have forgotten everything and let all their frustration out on the other drivers around them?!? That's my theory and I'm sticking to it!
It's the guys in the big trucks with those faux balls hanging from the usually pristine, clean trailer hitch that get to me! I think it's called Little "Man" Syndrome.
Bad drivers....ugh....hate 'em. I was griping at the Spouse for Road Raging with one of these guys the other day....then I couldn't control my own "what are you lookin' at?" comment at the guy. Husband laughed at my failure to practice....
Watch out for white trucks. They'll getcha every time.
I'm sick of bad drivers. I think it's just downright rude to drive in the left lane if you're not actively passing someone.
I think it's funny when people get mad while they're driving. Sheesh. Don't take it so personally people. It ain't worth fighting over. It's also amazing to me how quick to anger people become when driving. That finger comes out automatically. It's not my fault that your life stinks.
Oh well. I figure that if something so benign gets you so upset, then it sucks to be you anyway and I'll go on down the road and leave you to your angry self.
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