- The pic above shows what I "won" during door prize giveaway time.
- I LOVE pens.
- DISD rocks for handing out classroom digital cameras to each teacher that attended "Jump" this week. [above pic courtesy of said camera]
- The community of Decatur rocks for donating so many useful and equally impressive gifts.
- Troy's talk of eggrolls when speaking of Moua Asian Cooking made me really hungry for that place:)
- I love our English department already.
- Teacher humor is completely funny to me.
- There's as much teacher jargon as in any other profession out there.
- Moving the beverage/snack table to and fro from the cafeteria to the lecture hall-hall was an awesome idea...thanks to whoever did that:)
- Lots of teachers have i-Phones, and I'm kinda jealous.
- A couple of former teachers/administrators approached me asking my maiden name, and one already knew it. They were as kind as I remembered them from my Intermediate days...
- Blogging and podcasting are uber-cool.
- Wiki-ing is still a bit over my head.
- I'm attending New Teacher Orientation again...I should be sooo prepared come August 25th:)
- Bring on Staff Development week.
I agree with you. We had a great week. Good food donated, wonderful prizes given away, and great leadership from our leaders. DISD is the best! Putting teachers first for the good of the students!
I'm trying to decide if I was teaching at the Intermediate School when you were passing through those grades. I remember that you said you graduated in 2003. I believe my first year to teach at the Intermediate School was the 95-96 school year. Do you remember who your teachers were in 5th and 6th grades?
if yall think disd is great, you should try northwest isd.
9:40...I graduated in 2000, so I was in 8th grade, I guess:), if you were at DIS during 95-96. I had Mrs. Richards for 5th grade and Mrs. Dickinson for 6th.
Troy's Tech Staff did a great job working during sessions. I saw Donna and Rose bustin' their hump moving things back and forth. Great job!
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