The latest 'People' magazine features the Obamas on the cover...lovely family by anyone's standards, HOWEVER, McCain and his family should grace the next be fair. I try to stay away from politics because I don't know just a whole lot about them and because verbal attacks ruin my day. But, I will write a letter to the editor of the mag if McCain doesn't show up soon...booya.
P.S. I realize the pic above is 'Rolling Stone' magazine. I need to start paying more attention because I thought they were about music.
P.P.S. I also realize that the vast media machine has dedicated more time to B.O. (hehe) than to J.M., but I will write nonetheless.
P.P.P.S. I still don't know who I'm voting for.
I know who I'm voting for....because I know who I won't give a vote to....
And as a subscriber to People, I think they've sold out to hype news with the B.O. cover. [snicker]
C'mon - think about it - People magazine makes no claim to being a newsmagazine trying to give each candidate equal coverage. They are in the business of selling magazines about celebrities. A week or so ago they had a cover with Nicole Kidman after the birth of her baby and they published that the magazines sales were much less than expected. She probably won't be on their cover any time soon.
The Obamas - like it or not - people are interested in him, his wife (some comparing her to Jackie Kennedy), and his kids. Did you see the cover? It was eye-catching. I haven't read how the sales of that magazine went. But if they were high, you can be sure to see more of the Obama's. It's all about bringing in readers.
McCain - His POW story makes for good copy, but his family & marital history - not so much. His people are probably trying to keep family stories low keyed. Background - While he was a POW his 1st wife had a wreck & struggle recovering. After McCain finally made it home, he and his wife were still living together (off & on - I don't think he has lived with either wife continously) when he started dating his current (& younger) wife. They married a month after he was divorced from 1st wife. Current wife lived in Arizona taking care of kids and he lived in DC & went to Arizona on weekends sometimes.
You can read about it in a cover story Newsweek had on Mrs. McCain a few weeks ago. Newsweek's - (which does claim to be a NEWS magazine) story about her was interesting, and also had an attractive picture of her ALONE on the cover.
I'm scared of both of them, but one a little more than the other.
Who would have thought?
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