Painting by: Thomas B. Kennington
She is 16 months old today. She's our little firecracker with her red hair, sparkling personality, and yes, fiery temper! I still tiptoe in her room to watch her sleep every night before I go to bed...two reasons; 1. to make sure she is, in fact, breathing...does that "just in case, wonder" ever go away? and 2. to marvel at how beautiful she is.
No matter how old mine gets (she's 8 now), I still sit in awe and watch her sleep. She's so beautiful and a sweet, big-hearted little girl. Last night I sat and watched her sleep and stroked her hair. I still can't believe that she is 8! It was just yesterday when I was running around like a crazy woman with no sleep, trying to coddle a premature baby with horrible colic, mixing bottles of stinky formula, and feeding her on an insane schedule! Then I remember the beautiful times when she would look into my eyes and get that look that babies get when they know everything is right with the world because they are bundled up nice and tight being held in their Momma's arms and then I would stare in awe then, too. She is such a miracle. Time passes so quickly...savor every single minute of it.
Mine are now 26 and 21, but I remember those times see the wonder of God's love in their faces when they sleep...and Baby girl is oh so beautiful, just like her Momma ;)
My oldest is 3....I can not fall asleep without going into her room and making sure she is tucked in correct.
Nice post gator.
Mine's about to turn 12. She already thinks Reunion is the best thing ever; so I'm guessing she'll be sleeping a LOT the next few mornings.
I remember those nights, sneaking into her room just to see her sleep (and breathe - does everyone do that?).
It's a cliche - but DO enjoy these years, for they go by so quickly.
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