- Collection agent from Best Buy with a thick Indian accent telling me I'm past due on my bill...a few TV's, a few computers, a couple of surround sound systems and countless software and stupid cable packs later, you'd think they'd give me a break for being a few days late!!! And, maybe they should send the e-bill at the same time every month...and, maybe customer loyalty should mean something...and, maybe we'll just start going to Fry's...HA. I'm never late on bills; it bothers me...BAD.
- Road construction in Decatur. Yep, it'll make the roads nicer, and yep, it's our tax dollars at "real" work, but dangit if I don't hate driving on those uneven, "wake-me-up-strip" roads.
- Students' abundant use of the word "gay" as an adjective for EVERYTHING. I challenge them to come up with something a little less offensive, and a bit more original.
Interesting post! One of my sons uses the word 'gay' for his only derogatory adjective, and we encourage him to be more innovative! I should say that I found your blog looking for people who like reading certain genres. If you like Frank Peretti's novels, and "Lord Of The Flies", could I suggest "Outcasts Of Skagaray" as one worth trying? There are sample chapters on www.threeswans.com.au My blog, if you feel like visiting, is http://threeswans.blogspot.com I would be delighted if you read my novel and enjoyed it. Whatever happens, best wishes. I was a teacher for 25 years.
In my classroom:
"Gay" is a VBO. VBO-very boring and overused word.
If I (the teacher) can't or don't use a word or phrase then you shouldn't either.
I also use for: sucks, crap, and my personal favorite..."frikken."
How about "homo"? As in "quit being such a homo."
Or "fruit/fruity"?
That's so GAY!! I know!! What does that even mean?????????
Jar...the adjectives you proposed are perfectly fine...or not:)
9:05 - I agree with you but am an abuser of the word "crap". It's a classless word but usually as vulgar as I go...usually.
Thank you for the read-invite Mr. Clarke; I will bookmark your site! BTW, intriguing title!
"That's so GAY!"
Might be a response to....you have to clean your room every week. OR I expect all work to be turned in on time. OR Each night you are expected to read for 30 min. and be ready to discuss what you have read.
I could go on and on. At one time rolling the eyes was a big deal. I cured that by asking..."what are you going to do when they stick?" Or "Are you looking for brains up there?"
Just need a clever retort. Let's think and get it ready for when we hear "That's so GAY!"
If you really want to curb the usage of said word, ask them "You use a word that typically describes homosexuality quite often to express yourself, would you like me to refer you to a counselor to talk about your feelings?"
I haven't heard any of my students use "gay" this year...huh, I wonder why?
I do not allow sucks or pissed. "Sucks" is greeted with a stern "Excuse me!?" I respond to "pissed" with "you mean irritated, annoyed, GREATLY upset," and it's very effective when I eventually look at and kid and say "I'm about to be irritated, annoyed, and GREATLY upset!"
This post is gay.
I like it because it is used when something is not liked.
And in a strange backward way I would rather them use the word "gay" for something they dislike rather than a substitute for the word "cool".
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