I just finished watching The Republican National Convention, courtesy of Tivo. Sarah Palin was sincerely captivating, and choosing her as VP nominee was an uber smart move by the McCain people. I can't think of a more perfect running mate. She's intelligent, confident, dissuaded by neither the "good ol' boys" in the oil industry nor the morally casual on Capitol Hill. She's got a sense of humor. Whether her speech was written by somone else or not, she delivered it well. She's a mom of 5, one of whom is a pregnant teenager and another who is an infant with down syndrome. Her eldest son leaves for Iraq next week. And, not to be discounted is the fact that the woman has great hair! She's gorgeous. She's got the political tri-fecta goin' on...looks, brains and experience. Again, McCain could not have found a better person for VP if he were able to concoct one "Weird Science"-style.
McCain's speech was great too. His introduction was moving, centered around family and patriotism. I didn't know his father and grandfather were decorated men of war as well. The man has a plethora of relevant experience that should catapault him into the Oval office. He and Palin both addressed the fact that their solutions won't solve ALL of America's problems, but at least they are proposing calculated, promising solutions that will at least alleviate some of our country's current struggles.
Why I'll Vote for Mccain:
- his and Palin's combined experience
- his clear stance as to why he will not forfeit the war
- his pro-LIFE belief and voting record to back it up
- plan to drill on our OWN soil in order to provide our OWN energy
- no empty promises of Change without providing clarity as to how that change will occur
- his promise of education reform, which is sooooo desperately needed
- celebrities aren't clamoring to wear shirts with his name on them...good enough reason for me!!!!
- Sarah Palin
I can't resist responding to a political post.
Don't you think choosing Palin is a purely political move to win the election and has very little to do with her in particular. I agree; it's certainly an interesting move and may prove to be very smart. It was a surprising choice from the Republicans. Republican voters will probably overlook her lack of experience (what Obama has been criticized for) because of her ultra-conservative values.
What lack of experience? She was a mayor and governor, and a popular, efficient governor at that. My husband is working in Alaska now, and he says that she is really loved by Alaskan citizens. Not to mention, Bush was a former governor, as have been many Presidents before him. Obama's been in the Senate for a couple of years and has a weak voting record regarding issues across the board. I've listened to a lot of speeches from Obama and have been moved by his charisma and sincere desire for change, but it just seems that McCain has a better grasp of what can and can't be accomplished. McCain is also "saying" he will cross party lines in order to make his Administration the best it can possibly be.
Choosing Palin was no doubt a strategic move, but as far as having nothing to do with her...I'm not sure I know what you mean by that. She appeals to a large demographic and McCain knows it. Are VP's ever chosen without strategy in mind?
Let's clarify experience a little--
Palin has been a governor for less than 2 years. I wouldn't say she's had the same level of experience as the governors turned presidents of which you speak. Obama served the Illinois State Sentate for 8 years before being elected to the US Senate in 2004.
In fact, if you think about it, Obama and Palin are somewhat similar. Both young, inexperienced, quickly rising political careers--one's black; one's a woman. My point was that Palin was chosen to draw Clinton supports to the Republican side--smart election choice. She wasn't selected because she was the best person for the job.
Since McCain is going to be the oldest president ever elected, the VP nomination is very important. I just hope I never hear Obama criticized for his lack of experience again.
5:00, well typed:)
I agree 100% with you...and you couldn't have said it better :)
I liked sarah palins speech it was flippin sweet. btu the best of all was rudy juliani. In my opinion he insulted obama the whole time
P.S. more days in computer lab
I totally agree, i even got goosebumps listening to McCain's speech.
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