I'd like to continue my fashion "thread" tonight by alerting any who don't know to a little store called, Anthropologie. I'm tellin' ya, every sweater, pair of shoes, lamp, curtain and bathroom rug speak to me, saying, "I'd look so perfect in/on/beside..." and, of course, "Buy Me, I'm on Sale!" Their products are so beautifully feminine and whimsical. I was introduced to the store by a friend at work who tells me that if I stay up late on certain nights I can catch awesome sales online; I have much to learn in the way of self-sacrificing for a bargain:) Check out the site, at least...it's awesome. And, gentlemen, your lady(ies) may appreciate a bangle or two, so you can look too:)
Shortly after wrapping up the blogging for the night I plan to peruse their site and force myself to leave the wallet out of reach; Christmas is coming up, and Ella needs an outside playset:) Thanks, DM.
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