I rented two movies tonight...don't do that much these days, but after Ella went night-night I just wanted to chi-lax. M. Night Shyamalan's "The Happening" was out, and a few students recommended it and then proceeded to reveal essential plot details that pretty much ruined my viewing of it...thanks, guys. I still watched the entire thing, though, because Mark Wahlberg is just easy to watch, ya know? M. Night couldn't have been more blatant with his Al-Gore-Go-Green-Save-the-Environment theme, though. SPOILER ALERT!: The plants will retaliate on us one day. I'm glad I'm nice to mine.
The beginning of the movie was intriguing, though, with Wahlberg playing a science teacher...I soooo would've done better in science if...well, nevermind. But, he brings up the fact that bees are disappearing from different countries, and then the camera flashes to an Einstein quote about humans surviving for only four years post-bee extinction; fascinating theory, really. And after reading "Secret Life of Bees" I'm convinced those little guys really do play a huge role in our existence on Earth, physically and psychologically...many similarities between us and them; they're just better at it all. I digress..."The Happening" is worth the watch in my humble, Wahlberg, Shyamalan lovin' opinion. Tomorrow...hello, Robert Downey, Jr. and "Ironman".
P.S. "Happening" has a fairly decent Gag Reel. Directors/Producers/Whomever should be downright ashamed for not including gag reels...seriously;)
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