Josh is staying at a B&B while working an outage at the Monticello power plant in Mt. Pleasant. It is much more affordable than even the Holiday Inn, which is pretty much all East Texas has to offer, and it's way cute. He was so proud of his find:)
We love Bed and Breakfasts. They're more inviting and relaxing than hotels. The Yelton Manor (pictured above) is a beautiful one in South Haven, Michigan that Josh and I have stayed at a couple of times, honeymoon included. It's located on Lake Michigan, and the town of South Haven is straight out of a Norman Rockwell. The owners are kinda the New Age hippy type, who would probably vehemently oppose Josh's work at one of the most polluting plants in our state, but, nevertheless, are part of the place's charm:) Ahhh, two days out of school and a 4 hour drive to Mt. Pleasant...hmmmm:)
Hello Lovelit. This is my first time to visit your blog, and wanted to respond to the bed and breakfast. I've never been to one but my sweetie and I are planning a trip to the Hill Country and plan on staying in a Bed and Breakfast or two. I'm excited!
And being a fellow teacher I say...GO, Go, Go to Mt. Pleasant. You deserve it!
Ha! Thanks for the encouragement!
I hope it goes well for you and your honey at the B&B. You'll feel pampered, and isn't that the point? :)
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