My husband sees to it that our home office can double as either of our "real" workplaces if need be. He's set it all up so beautifully, and it runs like a well oiled machine, but mine are the greasy hands as of late.
With him traveling I'm in charge of the online banking, which, okay, that's fine. But he, in all his genius, set up a scanning system with a, get this, Fujitsu ScanSnap S510 and a tera drive; tera=lotsa space. Soooo, I am to scan all incoming mail into the ScanSnap, and it is immediately converted to PDF format and stored, wowser. Then, I must shred aforementioned scanned mail, and therein lies my night's frustration. I scanned, I shredded, and the industrial shredder that Josh bought with a Best Buy Christmas Gift lie...wouldn't scan the 20 or so pages I had before screaming that it was full. I spent the past 15 minutes emptying a humungo shredder. Little bitty pieces of shredded paper make me very uneasy, and I had to sweep them all up before I was able to concentrate on more important tasks at hand.
All this, and I had to borrow a white-out pen from Suzette today at school.
1 comment:
I detest paper. I have so many pieces of paper sitting in front of me that I am fantasizing about a bonfire. Oooooh, the twisted things I fantasize about this time of year....
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