One of my college girlfriends came down this past weekend with her boyfriend, and we three took Ella to the State Fair. We didn't ride anything, not even the ferris wheel, but we had a great time perusing the booths, auto shows and mini-zoos! A few random thoughts on the day:
- In one of the restrooms I noticed the brand of the door was "Hiney Hiders"...could there be a more perfect company to provide Privy Privacy?
- Clogging is making a comeback.
- There are a lot of talented, regular people in our midst, as was evident at the very cool art exhibits throughout the grounds.
- The 2010 Camaro is beyond sweet.
- Wouldn't mind driving one of the new Dodge Challengers either.
- Saltwater Taffy is not as good as I remember it to be, but Funnel Cakes ARE:)
- Paying with coupons rather than cash isn't so bad...less mess.
- Some things just shouldn't be fried, and what the heck is a curd?
- Saw a Mama goat cleaning a baby goat that had been born minutes before we arrived; afterbirth still, well, there...grossly sweet.
- The life of a 1200 lb. boar ain't so bad.
- The wine tasting was okay, although I've been to those where you spit the wine in the bucket after tasting and swishing...not so at the fair. The live jazz band was amazing, though.
- The African Acrobats, no lie, were pretty dang good and made me realize just how white and unrhythmic I am.
- Ella will wave and smile at anyone:)
- What does one have to do to park in "Special" parking?
- Finally, Big Tex had on a new outfit of Dickies brand, Y'ALL.