Tuesday, September 30, 2008

State Fair Talk

One of my college girlfriends came down this past weekend with her boyfriend, and we three took Ella to the State Fair. We didn't ride anything, not even the ferris wheel, but we had a great time perusing the booths, auto shows and mini-zoos! A few random thoughts on the day:

- In one of the restrooms I noticed the brand of the door was "Hiney Hiders"...could there be a more perfect company to provide Privy Privacy?

- Clogging is making a comeback.

- There are a lot of talented, regular people in our midst, as was evident at the very cool art exhibits throughout the grounds.

- The 2010 Camaro is beyond sweet.

- Wouldn't mind driving one of the new Dodge Challengers either.

- Saltwater Taffy is not as good as I remember it to be, but Funnel Cakes ARE:)

- Paying with coupons rather than cash isn't so bad...less mess.

- Some things just shouldn't be fried, and what the heck is a curd?

- Saw a Mama goat cleaning a baby goat that had been born minutes before we arrived; afterbirth still, well, there...grossly sweet.

- The life of a 1200 lb. boar ain't so bad.

- The wine tasting was okay, although I've been to those where you spit the wine in the bucket after tasting and swishing...not so at the fair. The live jazz band was amazing, though.

- The African Acrobats, no lie, were pretty dang good and made me realize just how white and unrhythmic I am.

- Ella will wave and smile at anyone:)

- What does one have to do to park in "Special" parking?

- Finally, Big Tex had on a new outfit of Dickies brand westernwear...cool, Y'ALL.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Hollywood Archetype

Dictionary.com defines "archetype" as (in Jungian psychology) a collectively inherited unconscious idea, pattern of thought, image, etc., universally present in individual psyches.

I mention this because this word popped into my head as I was reading the cover of the gossip mags at the checkout line today. Miley Cyrus was on the cover of Ok because she, a 15 year old, is dating a 20 year old underwear model...ya know, the Ashton Kutcher look-alike from "Nashville Star". She's supposed to be a "good girl", pure 'til marriage and all that jazz, but watch...the paparazzi will hound, she'll fall, lie about it, confess to it, then do an interview with Walters or Lauer...so many have been there, done that. So, I'm just sayin' that the journey one takes to "make it" in Hollywood is essentially the same for them all; so why the neverending magazine sales?

Mood Liftin' Blooms

Mom, Ella and I went out to lunch and shopping today. We went to Lowe's and even though we both went to purchase new kitchen faucets, the flowers and foliage caught our eye(s)! Needless to say, our floral purchases barely fit in the back of the Nissan. It's those spontaneous buys that always make me the happiest though.

Ella-Bear had a good time digging in the dirt as she "helped" me to plant our new flowers. She was covering her legs with dirt and mulch as if she were at the beach and the soil was sand. I handed her a couple of worms, and she had no problem with it...just proceeded to put them in her bucket, along with some rocks, leaves and more dirt. She drank the water straight out of the waterhose too. At first I told her to stop, but then I thought...heck, I did that all the time as a kid, and I turned out "perfectly normal":) When we were finished we were both covered with dirt. Today was a pearl in my oyster world...a happy, happy day.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Aggravations of the Day...

- Collection agent from Best Buy with a thick Indian accent telling me I'm past due on my bill...a few TV's, a few computers, a couple of surround sound systems and countless software and stupid cable packs later, you'd think they'd give me a break for being a few days late!!! And, maybe they should send the e-bill at the same time every month...and, maybe customer loyalty should mean something...and, maybe we'll just start going to Fry's...HA. I'm never late on bills; it bothers me...BAD.

- Road construction in Decatur. Yep, it'll make the roads nicer, and yep, it's our tax dollars at "real" work, but dangit if I don't hate driving on those uneven, "wake-me-up-strip" roads.

- Students' abundant use of the word "gay" as an adjective for EVERYTHING. I challenge them to come up with something a little less offensive, and a bit more original.

It's Official...

My days go by much smoother when I make my bed in the morning. Today was more of a hectic, brain-frenzied kinda day, and the only difference to my routine was being 5 minutes late out the door and...not making my bed:) Another of life's mysteries...solved.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

On My Mind

This past week, a journal prompt in one of my Junior English classes "prompted" my students to engage in a debate that takes place often, all over the world. The prompt asked whether or not they belived in fate as exemplified through a "Julius Caesar" excerpt. Well, the talk of fate inevitably lead to the talk of belief in a higher power. The talk of a higher power somehow eventually lead to abortion. I'll not divulge names or specific comments; it will suffice to say that a significant percentage of this particular class are self-proclaimed atheists and pro-choice advocates. They are, of course, free to believe the way they obviously do. But, some of their comments have plagued my soul this weekend. I make it a point not to argue about religion or faith, since it is an argument without a point. Convincing others happens when they want to be convinced, and that is rarely the case. But, I listened. They all offered insightful comments that they'd no doubt pondered before.

With the election upon us, it is evident to me now more than ever that this country is aching for a government that will put self aside and focus on the true needs of this Nation. Why do some get so up in arms about "governemnt controlling our lives" when it comes to abortion; it's a woman's right to choose. YET, those same people will abide by laws laid down by that same gov't regarding legal drinking ages, traffic laws, drug laws, etc. That is the government "controlling" our lives...Thank God. A law against abortion would not put an end to it. But the deterrent would save so many lives, as the aforementioned laws have. I know the debate is useless, though, until someone gets in that White House and passes legislation to give this argument merit.

Okay, I'm done.


The Path, Not to Perfection, BUT, To Better

I just finished watching The Republican National Convention, courtesy of Tivo. Sarah Palin was sincerely captivating, and choosing her as VP nominee was an uber smart move by the McCain people. I can't think of a more perfect running mate. She's intelligent, confident, dissuaded by neither the "good ol' boys" in the oil industry nor the morally casual on Capitol Hill. She's got a sense of humor. Whether her speech was written by somone else or not, she delivered it well. She's a mom of 5, one of whom is a pregnant teenager and another who is an infant with down syndrome. Her eldest son leaves for Iraq next week. And, not to be discounted is the fact that the woman has great hair! She's gorgeous. She's got the political tri-fecta goin' on...looks, brains and experience. Again, McCain could not have found a better person for VP if he were able to concoct one "Weird Science"-style.

McCain's speech was great too. His introduction was moving, centered around family and patriotism. I didn't know his father and grandfather were decorated men of war as well. The man has a plethora of relevant experience that should catapault him into the Oval office. He and Palin both addressed the fact that their solutions won't solve ALL of America's problems, but at least they are proposing calculated, promising solutions that will at least alleviate some of our country's current struggles.

Why I'll Vote for Mccain:
- his and Palin's combined experience
- his clear stance as to why he will not forfeit the war
- his pro-LIFE belief and voting record to back it up
- plan to drill on our OWN soil in order to provide our OWN energy
- no empty promises of Change without providing clarity as to how that change will occur
- his promise of education reform, which is sooooo desperately needed
- celebrities aren't clamoring to wear shirts with his name on them...good enough reason for me!!!!
- Sarah Palin


Tuesday, September 2, 2008

One of These Things Doesn't Belong


Ella and I were browsing the kid book section in that retail store we're forced to go to in Wise County this evening. She got a Simba book...ya know, cute cub from the Lion King (had a Lion King poster in my room until I was 15:) But I digress; amidst the cutesie cartoon characters and tot inspired literature was J.D. Salinger's "Catcher in the Rye"...what the what? No child under, let's say, 16 should be reading that book. The story is dark and tragically depressing, not to mention the language issues. The main character is not one you'd want your pre-teen to idolize nor imitate. So, the powers that be should take a closer look at the Kid Lit, just sayin'.