I got into my car this afternoon, looked to my left, and saw the sticker pictured above on someone's passenger door. If you can't see it clearly, click on the picture; it gets bigger.
It's been bugging me...what did he think as he purchased the sticker, peeled off the back, and stuck it to the passenger door? Most people will automatically judge him and think him to be a person described by the above adjectives. I realize that one who would flaunt this sticker is possibly craving attention, positive or negative, which is sad and pathetic really.
It's not a joke; it's not remotely funny. The very ones this sticker demeans and disrespects are the same ones who have died or are dying and will continue to die in order to provide the freedom it takes to display such vehement crap, for lack of a better word. I cringe to think of a veteran or mother, father, wife, husband, son, daughter, or child of a soldier seeing this sticker. Why add another moment of worry or sadness to their lives? It's not worth what cheap, artificial pleasure the driver receives from people's comments or expressions. To the driver: Grow up. And if you're tired of the supportive, patriotic people in this country, try moving to one of the following: Russia, Venezuela, South Africa, Jamaica, or Colombia. I hear they're really lenient toward opposing opinions.
Lit, I agree with you vis-รก-vis the tastelessness of the display. On my own blog, I periodically vent about coarseness in modern culture.
But, not to play Devil's advocate here, it strikes me that this may not be the car owner's doing, but possibly a prank on the car owner. After all, you put that on the passenger door, and very likely the driver is oblivious to it for quite some time.
Just a thought...
Interesting perspective, but if someone put a sticker on my car...anywhere on my car, I'd notice.
But, I'll think along your vein of thought for a sec...maybe the driver is a soldier. Then, my message and utter disappointment would be toward whomever put the sticker there. I should have made that more clear;)
By the way, the world is a far more interesting place with devil's advocates...unless they're "flippin' the bird" at freedom, but they're free to do so...here; Catch 22 and all that.
I think I would be inclined to give them a little leeway. Is it the Virgin Mary on the air-freshner hanging from the rearview mirror? Surely one person wouldn't have both. Nothing surprises me anymore though.
I'm most disgusted with the person who made the sticker in the first place. Sad.
Arsehole. It is fascinating to see blatant displays of such, isn't it??
I'm with you. I feel the same way about this as I do the stupid little vulgar Calvin(and Hobbes) window stickers.
My kids love Calvin and Hobbes and I cringe whenever I see one of those stickers when my kids are in the car with me. I don't think they have seen one yet...but who knows?
I almost mentioned the Calvin stickers but figured my tirade was long enough; I'm feelin' ya, though!
BTW, isn't there some kind of copyright infringement going on there?
You would think there would be copyright problems!!!
All I can say is wow...
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