Monday, July 6, 2009

Out of the Mouths of Babes...

I was sitting at our public library today, which has undergone awesome renovations in the past year or so; it's quite nice. I have been going in the afternoons to work, in a corner, by myself...I love it.

Today, as I was up to my eyeballs in future lesson plans I overheard a conversation between a pridefully proclaimed 11 year old and her two wide-eyed, eager listening 7 year old audience members. The conversation was rather one-sided; the 7 year olds just oh'd and really'd a lot. Enjoy a snippet:

11 yr old: "I know what the male body looks like. I read Anatomy books when I was 4. I was talking in complete sentences by 1 1/2, and I could read by the time I was 2. I'm what you'd call an 11 year old Einstein."

7 yr olds: [silence]

11 yr old: "My parents are divorced, and I'm glad. They were fighting since I was born. You should hope that your parents get a divorce too."

7 yr olds: "Yeah."

11 yr old: "Are your parents smart?"

7 yr old: "I dunno."

The 11 yr old proceeded to school the younger two in video games, gaming systems, Pokemon, art, graphic novel/comic book animation, book and video game ratings, etc. She informed them to stay away from the graphic novel selection in the library. I'd have to agree; some of them broach very mature subject matter. Whoever her 5th/6th grade teacher is this year...prepare yourself for, what I am sure will be some interesting conversation.

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