Sunday, July 13, 2008

Pseudo Book Report

Augusten Burroughs' "Running With Scissors"...I made it to page, oh, 85 or so. The book is supposed to be refelective of his actual screwed up childhood, so I feel for the guy, but I probably won't finish it. I know that real life is not Leave it to Beaver, squeaky clean, and is in fact far from it most of the time. But I personally couldn't stomach one more "c" word...blech, not to mention the outrageous scenes of homosexual, errr, encounters. I just think that good writing can be done with fewer in your face profanities and graphic depictions of events that could be described in a more abstract way. Great writers say more with less and don't rely on cheap words for shock factor. Case in point: Hemingway's "Hills Like White Elephants".


Kathleen... said...

Dear gosh, I agree -- I flipped through this "bestseller" whilst in B&N one afternoon; after seeing some of the content, I shuddered, and thought, "Uh, I can do without processing this!" Good grief.

I think Burroughs infuses sensationalism into his books via exactly that which you've described. Blech. No thanks.

Anonymous said...

You should check out the movie - it's on cable this week. Not as gross as the book, actually fascinating. Brad Pitt co-produced it, many great stars took part.