Sunday, August 17, 2008

Speaking of a Desert...

A very witty fellow English teacher mentioned something a couple of weeks back about how to remember the difference between the spellings of "dessert", which is a yummy treat, and "desert", a really hot place with lotsa sand. She stated that "dessert" was something you'd want seconds of, as in a second helping...hence, the two "s's". I've always had to think about those words a sec before determining which to use, but from now on I won't have to think quite so hard, and isn't that the goal of us all?;)


Anonymous said...

I live in a desert, so I would suppose this rule would be very good for me, I also am not the best speller in the world as im sure somthing in this post is not right,but now I am one word stronger.

lovelit said...

I like that, "one word stronger"!