Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ooogy Kiss

I'm a huge fan of "House"; Hugh Laurie cracks me up, and I find it amazing that his American accent is so good when he's about as British as Monty Python. I was looking forward to this past week's episode because he and Cuddy were finally going to break through the bickering and insults, no doubt stemming from an obvious sexual tension between them. Well, they kissed, BUT instead of thinking "finally" I found myself thinking, "eeewwww". They had all the sexual chemistry of Oprah and Stedman; highly disappointing. They should stick to the insults. Next week Wilson announces that he has feelings for her; here's hopin'.


RPM said...

If you like Hugh Laurie you need to watch "Jeeves and Wooster".

Anonymous said...

I, too, am a huge "House" fan. We should talk sometime. Go out of your classroom, hang a left, then a right, then another right, and you'll find me at the last door on the left.

el chupacabra said...

I was afraid they jumped the shark on that one but, I think it's going to be ok.