Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Aggravations of the Day...

- Collection agent from Best Buy with a thick Indian accent telling me I'm past due on my bill...a few TV's, a few computers, a couple of surround sound systems and countless software and stupid cable packs later, you'd think they'd give me a break for being a few days late!!! And, maybe they should send the e-bill at the same time every month...and, maybe customer loyalty should mean something...and, maybe we'll just start going to Fry's...HA. I'm never late on bills; it bothers me...BAD.

- Road construction in Decatur. Yep, it'll make the roads nicer, and yep, it's our tax dollars at "real" work, but dangit if I don't hate driving on those uneven, "wake-me-up-strip" roads.

- Students' abundant use of the word "gay" as an adjective for EVERYTHING. I challenge them to come up with something a little less offensive, and a bit more original.


Andrew Clarke said...

Interesting post! One of my sons uses the word 'gay' for his only derogatory adjective, and we encourage him to be more innovative! I should say that I found your blog looking for people who like reading certain genres. If you like Frank Peretti's novels, and "Lord Of The Flies", could I suggest "Outcasts Of Skagaray" as one worth trying? There are sample chapters on www.threeswans.com.au My blog, if you feel like visiting, is http://threeswans.blogspot.com I would be delighted if you read my novel and enjoyed it. Whatever happens, best wishes. I was a teacher for 25 years.

Anonymous said...

In my classroom:
"Gay" is a VBO. VBO-very boring and overused word.
If I (the teacher) can't or don't use a word or phrase then you shouldn't either.

I also use for: sucks, crap, and my personal favorite..."frikken."

Jarhead™ said...

How about "homo"? As in "quit being such a homo."

Or "fruit/fruity"?


Anonymous said...

That's so GAY!! I know!! What does that even mean?????????

lovelit said...

Jar...the adjectives you proposed are perfectly fine...or not:)

9:05 - I agree with you but am an abuser of the word "crap". It's a classless word but usually as vulgar as I go...usually.

Thank you for the read-invite Mr. Clarke; I will bookmark your site! BTW, intriguing title!

Anonymous said...


"That's so GAY!"

Might be a response to....you have to clean your room every week. OR I expect all work to be turned in on time. OR Each night you are expected to read for 30 min. and be ready to discuss what you have read.

I could go on and on. At one time rolling the eyes was a big deal. I cured that by asking..."what are you going to do when they stick?" Or "Are you looking for brains up there?"

Just need a clever retort. Let's think and get it ready for when we hear "That's so GAY!"

Anonymous said...

If you really want to curb the usage of said word, ask them "You use a word that typically describes homosexuality quite often to express yourself, would you like me to refer you to a counselor to talk about your feelings?"

Anonymous said...

I haven't heard any of my students use "gay" this year...huh, I wonder why?

I do not allow sucks or pissed. "Sucks" is greeted with a stern "Excuse me!?" I respond to "pissed" with "you mean irritated, annoyed, GREATLY upset," and it's very effective when I eventually look at and kid and say "I'm about to be irritated, annoyed, and GREATLY upset!"

Anonymous said...

This post is gay.

I like it because it is used when something is not liked.

And in a strange backward way I would rather them use the word "gay" for something they dislike rather than a substitute for the word "cool".