Friday, April 24, 2009

Kid Lit

Driving around with my "bonus" daughter is always so enlightening. Taylor is 9 years old, and she's a talker, more so in the car than anywhere else on Earth. It's funny, but, what else is there to do in the car, right?? This evening she was telling us about the book she's been reading, Twitches. We've watched the movie several times, and she began to inform me of the differences between the two, quite intuitive she is. She continued to talk about her literary loves and mentioned The Boxcar Children. I hadn't thought of that series in years, and I'm going to have to check it out again to prepare Ella's library:)

Thinking of the Boxcar books lead me to think of other books I loved growing up. Some of my absolute favorites and those I intend to rediscover via my children are: Number the Stars, the Ramona books, Amelia Bedelia books, The Indian in the Cupboard (thank you Ms. Dickinson for reading that to us), Anne of Avonlea and Green Gables, Janette Oake books, American Girl books, especially those introducing Samantha and Felicity, and, of course, The Babysitter's Club. Ahhhh, I'll have to take Tay and Ella to the library in the morning!!


Epic_Life said...

Thanks for the trip down Literary Memory Lane! My youngest LOVED Dahl's The BFG. His fourth grade teacher read it aloud to his class, and he asked me to read it aloud at home. While he loved (still does) to read, that particular book begs for read aloud voices! One part of the book had him on the floor, tears streaming down his cheeks, laughing so hard his stomach hurt.

lovelit said...

I am ashamed to say that I've never read the Big Friendly Giant, but I'll put it on the reading list that grows longer every day! It thrills me when children get a kick out of reading. My daughter is 2, and she's able to grasp the meaning of some stories, interjecting "uh-oh's" at the appropriate times; magical:)

Anonymous said...

I still get so much joy from children's literature! My son went through a phase when he didn't like to read. He had a teacher named Mrs. Archer at Decatur Intermediate that read Holes to his class and really turned my son into a reader once again. That's another great book!