Sunday, April 26, 2009

Peaceful, Easy Feeling

Allow me to steal a snippet of phrase from The Eagles as I describe my current state. I'm tired as all get out, but I'm happy knowing my family is sleeping safe and snug right now. I'm happy after having spent a day with the girls planting flowers and making the world, at least our corner of it anyway, a little brighter:) Economy-Schmonomy.


an Donalbane said...

Ah, a kindred spirit.

As an NTSU (yeah, a couple years before the name change) grad, I'm constantly suffering grief as my friends look askance at my blog references to Don Henley lyrics.

I am firmly convinced, however, that he is one of the most literate rock songwriters extant.

Denney Crane said...

I wish I had your faith... please share meds... ;)

you are the eternal optomist!